Monday, 24 September 2018

Germany, N. Germany, Berlin City, Potsdam and Brandenburg City

Entering Berlin at Spandau West of Berlin 


                                                        Berlin City 
Berlin is the Capital of Germany popular with tourists from all over the World. The Berlin Wall, The Victory Column, the Brandenburg Gate The Reich-Tag , all within walking distance,are must see sights in the German Capital. Berlin's long and turbulent history is now a world city reknown for its technolog as in Mercedes, BMW and The Iconic Volkswagen Beetle Cars etc 

The Berlin Victory Column 
is located at the central square in the Tiergarten Park The Column is also called Der Grobe Stern , The Great Star. The Bronze Statue atop of the Column is a victory symbol, a statue of a Goddess.

Tiergarten Park. Taking a stroll through the Park back to where Our Sorento was parked.

                Driving to the Brandenburg Arch, Reich-tag and The Berlin Wall site

                          Haus der Kulturen der Welt or House of Culture and Arts

The Glass Dome of The Reich-tag Building was added to symbolize the reunification of German. It is a prominent landmark in Berlin.                       

   Reich-stag Building 

                                                The Brandenburg Gate

An iconic sight not to be missed by tourists, The Brandenburg Gate is historic as it symbolises the division of Berlin City into East and West Berlin and into East and West Germany with two differing ideologies. 
The Berlin Wall was constructed in 1961 out of the Cold War. The Brandenburg Gate was walled inside East Germany. In 1989 with mass protest the wall first started to crumble eventually got demolished in 1991 by the people The Berlin Wall is one of the most enduring reminder of the Cold War especially among the German people. 

The Brandenburg Gate

Berlin Television Tower on Left

                                                                    The Berlin Victory Column
The Berlin Victory Column also called the Arco de la Victoria topped with bronze statue. Built in1873 to celeberate  the Prussian victoryin the Franco German War.

                                    The Berlin Wall/ The Iron Curtain
was built in 1961 by the Communist to primarily deter defections from Socialist East Germany to Free West Germany. Also called "The Iron Curtain the fall began with mass protest by the people of East Germanyin 1989. It was finally demolished in 1991 with fall of Communism that also saw the ending the Cold War. It also reunified the two Germans into one Germany soon after.

The salavaged pieces of the Berlin Wall

Sections of the Berlin Wall

Potsdam City 

                                                                   The Naeun Gate 

                                      of Gothic revival archtecure was built in 1755 

Brandenburg Gate and Fountain(under repair) in Potsdam on Luisenplatz

Brandenburg City
  Brandenburg an der Havel is a German town west of Berlin. It’s known for its Gothic, red-brick buildings, including the 15th-century Old Town Hall. Brandenburg Cathedral has a chapel with a painted vault, a baroque organ and a museum displaying medieval textiles. 

Crossing the Havel River Bridge to Brandenburg City

Havel River

The Plaur Torturm Tower 
is one of the four remanats of an ancient medivial fortification so well preserved and maintained.

Brandenburg an der Havel’s Town Hall dominates the old town square of the city. This 15th century brick building is built in Late Gothic style. Note the beautiful intricate brick tracery over the doorway and its soaring tower. 

The Statue of Roland, a German knight, stands right next to the entrance of the Town hall, signifies rights of free cities.

TWo of eight bronze pug statues scattered across Town

Rathenower Torturm Tower 
 is another of the remaining four medivial brick Towers in Brandenburg. But this tower is square and it is only open to the public during the Tumrmetag Festival in September 

St. Gottard Church Brandenburg City Church of St. Gotthardt was built in 1140, making it the most ancient church in the city. Behind its well-preserved brick walls are housed a number of treasures, each of which go back many centuries, including a Late Gothic Triumphal Cross,

is the tallest building in the city. At the observation deck of this 32.5-meter Tower, one can get to enjoy a bird’s eye view over the City

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