Sunday, 10 June 2018

Mongolia - Middle Gobi - The dirt track we took to the Flaming Cliffs and a little lost lamb

10 Jun 2018 - We drove on the main highway connecting Ulaanbaator to Dalanzadgad in the south. At Khuld (just after Mandalgovi city), we left the highway and turned right to take the dirt road via Delgerkhangai to the Flaming Cliffs, near Mandal Ovoo  

The dirt track, of course with no road signs, is well defined/used. 
The track to Delgerkhangai runs parallel with the electric poles, guided us .
The terrain were mostly flat and bare with the occasional ger. 

Just before the village of Delgerkhangai, we turned south and drove through the hills. As the daylight is  fading fast, we needed to stop for the night. 

At about 9.30pm, our driving lights caught a lone lamb in the middle of the track. We stopped and picked it up, its so light and fragile, its fur so soft, we just hope we could find a flock of sheep along the way to reunite this poor lost lamb.

After a short drive, we noticed the silhouette of a flock of sheep on the hills to our left.

We turned our Sorento  in the direction of the flock of sheep high beaming our headlights. We stopped after a few hundred meters. We walked towards the flock carrying the little lamb. By our mimicking  the bleating sound of a sheep, we got a response from the flock which drew the attention of the little lamb , it responded with aweak 'beeekhehe..a few times giving us hope.

We watched the lamb walk gingerly towards the flock. We were overjoyed and felt relieved that the little lamb kept walking  and eventually joining the flock. We watched for a long time always keeping sight of him. Just off the hill we could hear dogs barking but never come to threaten us.
Assured that the lamb will be safe, we retired to the safety of our Sorento for the night away from the flock.

We named the lamb "Ganges Khan" and hoped it will survive.

This is the lost lamb, little "Ganges Khan":

Ganges Khan with part of  the flock on the next day:

 Ganges Khan on the left.

 The whole flock on their way out to graze.. According to the flock owner, they can roam up to 8km a day to graze.

Ganges Khan found a friend, as slow as him. We hope that he grows up to be strong and healthy.

Dad pointing out the lost lamb Ganges Khan to the owner of the flock.

Video of our drive after Khuld via Delgerkhangai to Mandal Ovoo, Middle Gobi.....

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