Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Finland - Crossing the Arctic Circle Line

Location: Arctic Circle Line, Santa Clause Village, Lapland, Finland.

In 2017 we crossed the Equator Line at Kalimantan, Indonesia. 
This year we crossed the Arctic Circle Line for the first time at Santa Claus Village in Lapland. 
Our Sorento gets to do it too... on our way towards Sweden later on near Vietonen.

The Arctic Circle is one of the two polar circles and is the northern most circle among the five major circles of latitude on the world map.

At Santa Clause Village, just 8km north of Rovaniemi city in Finland, the Arctic Circle Line is marked with a thick white line.

The Arctic Circle runs 66°32'46" north of the Equator and marks the southernmost latitude where the sun can stay continuously below or above the horizon for 24 hours a day. This causes the Midnight Sun phenomenon in summer and the opposite, the Polar Night in winter.

We visited the Arctic Circle Line on 4th Sept 2018.
The place was not overrun with tourists, making it a pleasant trip.

Our Sorento crossing the Arctic Circle Line

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