Saturday, 11 August 2018

Russia - Moscow's Metro Stations

We relied on the Metro to get around in the two days that we were in Moscow City Centre. Each station is designed/decorated differently, some plain, others more elaborate. Some have murals of daily lives of Russian men and women in the olden days. You can spend a whole day just looking around the metro station.

Finding the Metro station entrances was not very easy. At Kitay-Gorod station, we were standing right in front of it and did not realise it was the entrance until we looked inside the building. The letter M was not so easy to see from far.

Nevertheless, once you locate it, it is easy to confirm that the entrance is for which line based on the colour strips on the pole.

Once you are in the station it is also easy to find your way around. Just have to look on the ground for this sign which shows the line colour, line number, station name and direction you should be walking towards. If there is an interchange, there's just more blobs on the floor

Here are some of the stations we visited:

Novoslobodskaya Station

Novoslobodskaya is on Line 5 (brown line) circling central Moscow.

This is the station with the many stained glass panels

There are 32 of these stained glass with various designs


Here are a few of them

"Peace Throughout the World" mosaic by Pavel Korin

At the platform

Novoslobodskaya station lighting

Domed roof at the entrance of the station


Prospekt Mira Station

Prospekt Mira is on Line 5 (brown line) that circles central Moscow

Checker board patterned granite floor with white marble pillars is the theme for this station

Mum and Dad resting for a bit..

The top of each pillar at this station are decorated with friezes depicting the development of agriculture in the Soviet Union

Ornate lightings


Komsomolskaya Station

This station is also on Line 5 (brown line) that circles central Moscow. 

Komsomolskaya - the station with the elaborate ceiling..


Mosaic on the ceiling depicting scenes from the fight for freedom and independence.


Elaborate lightings..

Statue of Lenin


Back on the train...


Kurskaya Station

Kurskaya station is on Line 5 (Brown Line). Here we changed to the Line 3 (Blue Line) to get to our next destination, Ploschad Revolutsii Station. Meantime, here is what Kurskaya Station looks like:

Walking to the Platform for Line 3 (Blue Line)



The platform for Line 3

The train on the Line 3 (Blue Line) that will take us from Kurskaya to Ploschad Revolutsii Station.


Ploschad Revolutsii Station

Named after Revolution Square, this station is on the Line 3 (Blue line / Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya Line).

The arches are decorated with a pair of statues of people from all walks of life.
At this arch is a sportsman and sportswoman.

One of the more famous statue at this station is this border dog with shiny nose sitting next to a soldier / border patrol guard. Passerby would rub the dog's nose for luck.

A couple of chickens are also a favourite amongst passersby.

In total there are 76 bronze statues decorating the arches here..

A pair of students...

Pattern between the arches.. and simple lightings here..

Leaving the station for some sightseeing..

The ticket counters



Belorusskaya Station

Belorusskaya Station is on Line 5 (Brown Line). This metro station is so named as it is near the train station that goes to Belarus.


The mosaic patterns on the ceiling depicts Belarusian daily life.


Plaster ceiling at the station platform


Kievskaya Station

Kievskaya Station is on the Brown Line (Line 5). This station is named after the capital city of Ukraine and the theme here is Ukrainian life.




Arbatskaya Station

Arbatskaya Station is on Line 3 (Dark Blue line) with interchanges to Line 4 (Light Blue Line) and Line 1 (Red Line)



Teatralnaya Station

Teatralnaya Station is on Line 2 (Green Line) with interchanges to the Red (Line 1) and Dark Blue (Line 3) Lines.

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