Monday, 14 May 2018

Russian numbers and phrases

We found it helpful to know the Russian alphabets as it makes it easier to read the signages and names of cities as well as reading labels on the supermarket shelves.

That reads Khabarovsk / Vladivostok

Amongst all the phrases, the most we used were Yes, No, Thank You, Skolko... and the below that we learn along the way:

1) Water
Water is Voda (воды) in Russian.
If it's Still Water that you are after, look for "негазированная вода(or just look for "негазon the label and you are set). Alternatively, point to the bottle and ask the person "nyet gaz?".. if you hear "da", its still water. If it's not, they usually will point out the correct bottle.☺

2) Take away
We googled the Russian word for takeaway and the result was "Paket". When we went round the shops, no one seem to understand what "Paket" means..
Instead, they use the word that sounded like "subway". Once we started saying "subway" each time we wanted to take away our coffee etc, the shopkeeper immediately understood. So, use "subway" for take away.

3) Toilet
Tualet (туалет), pronounced as "tow-a-let"

4) Restaurant / Cafe
"ресторан" / "кафе"
This is an easy one if you know the Russian alphabets

5) Food
Chicken - Kuritsa (курица)
Fish - Ryba (рыба)
Pork - Svinya (свинина)

6) Number
100 - Sto

7) We don't speak Russian
Just say "Nyet Ruski"

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